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What Is the Most Effective Natural Appetite Suppressant
Nutrition & Diet

What Is the Most Effective Natural Appetite Suppressant?

Natural appetite suppressants are a crucial tool in the tricky business of losing weight. They are substances that can help you control one of the most challenging instincts to restrain hunger with a low risk of side effects.

Effective natural appetite suppressants may seem too good to be true. Weight loss supplements like PhenQ use them and other ingredients to help shed unwanted pounds. Unfortunately, other supplements may bill certain ingredients as natural appetite suppressants without objective scientific evidence backing up those claims.

Supplements with effective natural appetite suppressants are available. However, some are more effective than others.

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Effective Natural Appetite Suppressants

People have used some appetite suppressants for millennia, helping to manage food supplies during famine and long journeys. Others have only become known with the advent of medical science and scientific experimentation. The proper study of these compounds has only just begun, but a few are known to be genuinely effective:

  • Glucomannan – This ingredient is derived from the root of an Asian plant and is packed with fiber. Some studies have found its effects to be inconsistent. Still, overall, studies have shown it to help reduce body weight. It may also help control blood glucose [1].
  • Caralluma Fimbriata – C. Fimbriata is a cactus that is also native to Asia. It’s a traditional appetite suppressant that has been used to help survive famines. Studies show that it helps reduce cravings for sugar and fat, while leaving you hungry for healthier fruits and vegetables [2].
  • Caffeine – Caffeine has been a primary ingredient in weight loss pills for decades because it works. There is evidence that it helps tamp down your appetite. It also boosts your metabolism, so you burn more energy [3].
  • Korean Pine Nut Oil – This is the same nut you’d find on supermarket shelves sold as pine nuts. It contains a range of healthy fatty acids like pinolenic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid. These may help you feel full by delaying gastric emptying [4].
  • Flaxseed – Flaxseed combines the effectiveness of fiber and healthy fats. It’s found in many supplements. However, it can also be easily added to oatmeal, baked goods, and other foods.

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How Do Natural Appetite Suppressants Work?

The reality is we don’t always understand how appetite suppressants reduce hunger cravings. Our bodies are still mysteries in many ways. However, some effects are straightforward enough to be clearly understood. Even when we don’t know for sure, there are a few theories that may explain the benefits of natural appetite suppressants.

Delay of Gastric Emptying 

Gastric emptying simply describes the process of food leaving your stomach. Delaying that process means that digestion takes longer. Likewise, it takes longer for you to get hungry again. Fiber is an example of an ingredient that delays gastric emptying [5].

Signals Feelings of Fullness

Certain ingredients are more likely to trigger signals that you’re full. Even if your stomach still has some room, your brain will think you’ve had everything you need. Ingredients with healthy fats may more quickly signal feelings of fullness. Those signals can be transferred from the stomach to the brain in several ways, mostly through the production of hormones.


There are several effective natural appetite suppressants including glucomannan, caffeine, and flaxseed. If you prefer a blend of natural and effective ingredients, choose a supplement such as PhenQ.


  1. “Office of Dietary Supplements – Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss.” NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 18 May 2022,
  2. Gupta, Charu, et al. “Appetite Suppressing Plants: An Effective Tool for Combating Obesity.” Research Gate, 22 Dec. 2015,
  3. Schubert, Matthew M et al. “Caffeine, coffee, and appetite control: a review.” International journal of food sciences and nutrition vol. 68,8 (2017): 901-912. doi:10.1080/09637486.2017.1320537
  4. Tucci, Sonia A. “Phytochemicals in the Control of Human Appetite and Body Weight.” MDPI, Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 22 Mar. 2010,
  5. “Gastric Emptying Tests: Medlineplus Medical Test.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine,